Energetics of charge transfer reactions in solvents of dipolar and higher order multipolar character. I. Theory

We extend a recent molecular theory of solvation dynamics to accommodate static solvent effects on the energetics of charge transfer (CT) processes. Our theory is based on a simple renormalized linear response development which incorporates nonlinear aspects of equilibrium solvation. It can accommodate polarizable solvent molecules as well as the limiting case represented by electronically rigid interaction site model (ISM) solvent molecules. We focus on the diabatic free energy profiles governing CT processes in solute donor–acceptor systems of chemical interest. By studying CT in ISM solution models we naturally cover both the short range and long range solute-solvent interactions, thereby enabling applications to CT in solvents of higher multipolar as well as dipolar character. We derive expressions for the key energetic parameters of a CT process; the solvent reorganization energy, the solvent contribution to the change in thermodynamic free energy, and the optical absorption and fluorescence frequencies.