Effect of Hay-Concentrate Ratio on Rumen Fill as Measured by an Antipyrine Dilution Technique

Rumen contents of 7 fistulated bovines were removed and weighed at from 2 to 24 hours after feeding. These 477 to 1310 lb. animals were fed from 1.3 to 3.1 lb. of air dry matter per 100 lb. body weight per day in one portion. Regression equations were developed for total contents and water contained in the reticulo-rumen as a function of percent concentrate in the ration, time after feeding, and plane of nutrition. Concentrate had more effect on amount of rumen contents than either time after feeding or plane of nutrition, but did not significantly affect rumen dry matter concentration. Dry matter content of rumen ingesta decreased with time after feeding (P< 0.01). An antipyrine dilution method was developed for estimation of water content of the reticulo-rumen, but regression equations gave a better estimate.