Diverticula are known to occur in practically every portion of the digestive tract. They are most common in the colon and are frequently found, also, in the esophagus and duodenum. Diverticulosis of the small bowel, however, is rare. A recent report by Benson, Dixon, and Waugh (1) states that at the Mayo Clinic, from 1909 to 1942, inclusive, there occurred 122 cases of non-meckelian diverticula of the jejunum and ileum, an average of less than 4 per year. These authors indicate that, in addition, there are only about 200 other recorded examples in the medical annals. Case (2) was able to find but (36 proved cases in the literature in the eighty-year period from 1844 to 1924. In our clinic at the Boston City Hospital, we have observed a series of 25 cases of diverticulosis of the jejunum and ileum, all of which were seen in a period of two and a half years, from January 1942 to July 1944, and were diagnosed during routine studies of the gastro-intestinal tract with the opaque meal. Because of the relative ...