A Private Practice Experience with Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate in men Less than 50 Years Old

A sharp increase in the number of men less than 50 yr old with adenocarcinoma of the prostate was found. In the last 4 yr, 9 new patients less than 50 yr old were found, which far exceeds the expected number. Prompted by this increase, experience with prostatic carcinoma in young men was reviewed. The findings of 11 of 256 patients (4%) and good survival from 6 mo. to 15 yr (90%) are at variance with previously published reports. The increased number of patients with adenocarcinoma of the prostate is attributed to willingness to biopsy small unimportant nodules in the prostate. Whether these findings reflect an actual increase in the incidence of prostatic carcinoma in young men or simply an increase in the frequency of diagnosis of previously unrecognized lesions is not clear.