Line scan imaging of brain metabolites with CPMG sequences at 1.5 tesla

A line scan Carr‐Purcell‐Meiboom‐Gill (CPMG) spectroscopic imaging sequence has been implemented on a standard 1.5 T clinical scanner to map metabolite signals at multiple echo times from voxels along selected tissue columns through the brain. The CPMG multi‐echo spectroscopic image data sets are used to estimate brain metabolite T2 decay parameters in a group of healthy volunteers and in one tumor patient. Inherent trade‐offs between T2 decay, spectral resolution, and echo spacing prove to be important limiting factors. In particular, separate quantitation of choline and creatine resonances at 1.5 T was not achieved in the present implementation. However, the ability to collect data sets suitable for T2 decay analyses of combined choline and creatine resonances and N‐acetyl aspartate resonances in under 10 minutes may prove of clinical utility in the study of brain pathology.