Periodontal Disease in Five and Six Year Old Children

The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and severity of gingivitis in a sample of primary school children. One hundred and twenty eight children with an average age of 6 years 0 months (SD ± 4 months) were examined for oral hygiene status using the Plaque Index (Pl.I.) and the Calculus Index (C.I.). The periodontal status was assessed using the Gingival Index (G.I.) and recording gingival sulcus depths about selected teeth. The significance of factors associated with the G.I. was determined using multiple classification analysis. The incorporated factors were Pl.I., age and sex. The scores for Pl.I., and G.I., and Pl.I. and sulcus depth were significantly correlated. The majority of children had a maximum Pl.I. score of 2, a maximum C.I. score of 0, a maximum G.I. score of 1, and maximum sulcus depth of 2 mm. The regressands Pl.I. and age used in the multiple classification analysis explained only 28% of the variance in the G.I. data. Also, the analysis did not indicate the children's sex as a significant source of explanation for the variance of the G.I.

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