Na+ pump current‐voltage relationships of rabbit cardiac Purkinje cells in Na(+)‐free solution.

1. The Na+ pump current (Ip) of isolated, single rabbit cardiac Purkinje cells in Na(+)‐free solution was measured at 32‐34 degrees C by means of whole‐cell recording. 2. The Ip amplitude was studied as a function of clamp potential (Vc) and external concentration of various monovalent cations known to activate the Na(+)‐K+ pump. 3. Under conditions which strongly activated Ip the Ip‐Vc curve of the cells displayed a positive slope at membrane potentials negative to ‐20 mV and little variation at more positive potentials. 4. The Ip‐Vc relationship showed an extended region of negative slope at positive and negative potentials in solutions containing low concentrations of activator cations which caused little Ip activation. A positive slope of the Ip‐Vc curve was occasionally observed at clamp potentials negative to ‐60 mV under these conditions. 5. The shape of the Ip‐Vc relation was independent of the cation species used as external Ip activator. 6. At zero membrane potential half‐maximum Ip activation (K0.5(Vc = 0 mV) occurred at 0.05 mM Tl+, 0.08 mM K+, 0.4 mM NH4+ and 1.5 mM Cs+. The Hill coefficient derived amounted to 0.9 for Tl+, 1.2 for K+, 1.04 for NH4+ and 1.5 for Cs+. 7. The concentrations of external activator cations required for half‐maximum Ip activation increased with depolarization. The voltage dependence of the K0.5 values could be described by a single exponential function for clamp potentials positive to ‐40 mV. 8. The steepness of the function is determined by a factor alpha, indicating the apparent fraction of an elementary charge which moves in the electrical field across the sarcolemma when external monovalent cations bind to the Na(+)‐K+ pump. 9. The alpha values were calculated to be 0.32 for Tl+, 0.24 for K+, 0.29 for NH4+ and 0.18 for Cs+. Possible interpretations of the alpha values are considered. 10. It is suggested that binding of external monovalent activator cations to the Na(+)‐K+ pump (or a process related to the binding) is voltage dependent. This potential‐dependent process determines mainly the shape of the Ip‐Vc curve in cardiac Purkinje cells superfused with Na(+)‐free media containing low concentrations (< K0.5(Vc = 0 mV)) of K+ or its congeners.