Studies with Rhesus Monkey Antisera to Human γM-Globulins (γM)

Summary: Serologic differences between γM-globulin antibodies such as Rh saline agglutinins, the α- and β-isohemogglutinins and cold and heterophile agglutinins have been demonstrated by the use of rhesus monkey antisera to individual Rh saline agglutinins and to Waldenström γM-globulins. Differences in the γM-globulin antibodies within an individual human sera also exist. Rhesus monkey antisera to γM-globulins give multiple precipitin bands with normal human serum or with isolated γM-globulins when the reactions are carried out in agar gel. This further indicates the antigenic complexity of these proteins. Immunoelectrophoretic studies in agar indicate that the primary factors in human serum responsible for the precipitin reactions with the monkey anti-Rh saline agglutinins are γM-globulins. Starch gel immunoelectrophoretic experiments confirm this and further indicate that other proteins are present in Type O sera that react with monkey antibody to γM-globulins.

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