Magnetic order, spin correlations, and superconductivity in single-crystal Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4+δ

Measurements are reported of the static, instantaneous, and dynamic spin correlations in single crystals of Nd1.85 Ce0.15 CuO4+δ. The as-grown crystals show antiferromagnetic long-range order. However, the Néel temperatures and spin-stiffness constants are greatly reduced from their respective values in Nd2 CuO4+δ. After reduction and annealing, the crystals superconduct with Tc=23 K, but inclusions of the antiferromagnetic phase, albeit with reduced Néel temperatures, are always present. Based on these data, we suggest that the disorder due to excess oxygen in as-grown samples stabilizes the magnetic correlations. This leads to a speculative model for the effects of deoxygenation in which the removal of the excess oxygen causes the magnetic correlations to diminish and hence superconductivity to become possible.