1. Mitomycin G-induced formation of pyocin R in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, strain R, is inhibited by low concentrations of p-fluorophenyl-alanine (FPA**). Cell growth proceeds apparently normally in the presence of FPA and mitomycin C, but neither pyocin R nor a protein cross-reacting with anti-pyocin R antibody is accumulated in the cells. 2. FPA inhibits the early stage of induction and this inhibition is reversed by phenylalanine or tyrosine. 3. In the cells treated with both FPA and mitomycin C, DNA synthesis is almost completely inhibited as in the mitomycin C-treated cells. However, RNA and protein synthesis take place almost normally in the former cells. The presence of an FPA-sensitive mechanism specific for pyocin R formation is therefore suggested. 4. Neither the induction of λ phage nor the multiplication of β phage in E. coli K12 is inhibited by such concentrations of FPA.