Pima cotton blossoms exceeded the Acala in nectar production. In one test Acala blossoms gave 0-8 microliters while Pima yielded 30-50 microliters. SXP cotton was a poor nectar yielder because blossoms were scarce. All cotton blossom nectars were low in sugar conc. seldom exceeding 25%. The extra-floral (bract) nectar was produced by the Acala and SXP plants. Some of the Pima plants were almost lacking in these bract glands. The sugar conc. in the extra-floral nectar was about double that of the blossom nectars, approaching 50% in some cases. Pollen was produced abundantly by the cotton blossoms but honeybees did not collect it, apparently because the grains were too sticky. The higher sugar conc. found in some plants in a cotton area, e.g., alfalfa, affect bee activity adversely for the collection of cotton nectar. The bees prefer the richer nectars.