Methyl salicylate and (−)-(1R,5S)-myrtenal are plant-derived repellents for black bean aphid,Aphis fabae Scop. (Homoptera: Aphididae)

Methyl salicylate and (−)-(1R,5S)-myrtenal stimulate specific olfactory cells in the primary rhinaria on the sixth and fifth antennal segments, respectively, of the black bean aphid.Aphis fabae. In behavioral studies employing a linear track olfactometer, both compounds were repellent toA. fabae and also inhibited attraction to volatiles from its host, broad bean (Vicia faba). Methyl salicylate is associated with secondary metabolite-based defense in plants, and the monoterpenoid (−)-(1R,5S)-myrtenal is metabolically related to (−)-(1S,5S)-α-pinene, an abundant component of defensive resins produced by gymnosperms. It is argued that these two compounds are employed byA. fabae as indicators of nutritionally unsuitable or nonhost plants.