The in vitro incorporation of 1-C14 and 2-C14 acetate into fatty acids and carbon dioxide by liver and adipose tissue was studied in rats fasted at 5[degree]C for 24 hours. Compared with fed rats at room temperature, there was a marked decrease in the incorporation of the acetate carbons into fatty acids and carbon dioxide by liver tissue. A pronounced decrease in acetate incorporation into fatty acid was also noted with adipose tissue from these same animals, but only a slight decrease in incorporation into carbon dioxide. Addition of glucose to the incubation medium caused increases in fatty acid formation by liver and adipose tissue from both normal and fasted animals, but glucose supplementation, while increasing the incorporation of acetate into carbon dioxide by liver tissue from cold fasted rats, did not affect carbon dioxide production by liver tissue from normal animals. Incorporation of acetate into carbon dioxide by adipose tissue was unaffected by glucose supplementation with tissue from both normal and cold fasted rats.