A Human Monoclonal Antibody Reactive with Human Prostate

A human Ig M monoclonal antibody secreting hybridoma, termed MHG7, was isolated and characterized for its reactivity against human prostate cells. Lymphocytes isolated from a regional draining lymph node of a patient with prostate carcinoma were fused with murine P3-NS1-Ag4-1 myeloma cells. Supernatants from the generated mouse-human somatic cell hybrids were screened for human Ig production by an enzyme immunoassay. The identified human Ig-secreting hybridomas were expanded for further analysis and their supernatants screened by enzyme immunoassay against a panel of prostate cell lines. The human Ig M monoclonal antibody MHG7, in addition to reacting with prostate cell lines, also reacted with prostate carcinoma cells and benign prostatic hypertrophy cells on both frozen and paraffin embedded tissue sections. Regional draining lymph nodes of prostate carcinoma patients can be used as a source of human lymphocytes for generating human Ig-secreting hybridomas reactive with human prostate cells.