Immunochemical Studies on Polysaccharides of Yeasts

Summary: Quantitative precipitin reactions have shown that: Antiserum to C. albicans Group B reacted strongly (80 to 120% of the homologous reaction) with polysaccharides from C. albicans group A, C. stellatoidea, C. tropicalis, H. capsulata and T. pinus; mannans from S. cerevisiae and S. pini precipitated approximately 55% of the antibody; and polysaccharides from H. minuta, H. holstii and C. laurentii var. flavescens less than 10%.Antiserum to C. stellatoidea reacted strongly with C. albicans group B and C. tropicalis mannans (80 to 100%); polysaccharides from C. albicans group A, S. cerevisiae, and H. minuta precipitated 36 to 44% of the antibody; S. pini and H. capsulata, 18% of the antibody; and those from C. laurentii var. flavescens, H. holstii and T. pinus, less than 10%.C. tropicalis antiserum reacted strongly with C. albicans group A and B (91 to 103%); phosphomannan from H. capsulata removed 74% of the antibody; mannan from S. pini, 45%, and all other polysaccharides, less than 10%. Double diffusion reactions in agar showed that all Candida mannans and C. albicans group B or C. stellatoidea antisera produced precipitin lines that fused. Using C. tropicalis antiserum, spur formation was observed between the homologous and group B and C. stellatoidea mannans. Of the other polysaccharides that formed precipitates in agar, all showed spur formation with the homologous mannan.

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