The extending astroglial process: development of glial cell shape, the growing tip, and interactions with neurons

To analyze how astroglial cells attain the complex shapes that support neuronal migration and positioning in vitro (Hatten et al., 1984; Hatten 1985), early postnatal mouse cerebellar cells were plated in microcultures, and glial process outgrowth was monitored by high- resolution time-lapse video microscopy combined with immunocytochemical localization of antisera to glial filament protein (GFP), and by electron microscopy. The 2 principal astroglial forms seen in these cultures, stellate and Bergmann-like (Hatten et al., 1984), begin to develop their distinctive shapes by the outgrowth of processes in the first 8 hr after the cells are plated. Glial process extension is most vigorous in this period, resulting predominantly in stellate forms. A second population of glial cells, having fewer, longer processes reminiscent of Bergmann glia in vivo, first appears about 5 hr after plating. During the next 16–24 hr, while the stellate cells only slightly increase their process length, the bipolar cells double their length. The most striking feature of the elongating glial process is its highly motile tip, which rapidly extends microspikes and lamellopodia. Unlike the neuronal growth cone, which is the expanded terminal of a thin neurite shaft, the glial growing tip forms the end of a wide, paddle-like process that is filled with motile mitochondria and masses of glial filaments, and is bordered by an undulating lamella fringed by microspikes. Soon after the emergence of glial processes, cell-cell interactions between the growing glial process tip and granule neurons occur. Within minutes of an initial encounter between the glial process and the neuron, contact relationships that are stable during the observation period form between the cells. Subsequently, many neurons extend a small neurite onto the glial process, and astroglial process extension continues by the movement of the glial growing tip out beyond the neuron. Thus, cerebellar astroglia in vitro develop complex shapes in the same fashion as do neurons: the outgrowth of processes tipped by a motile ending. The growing tips of astroglial processes interact with neurons, resulting in the stable association of neurons and glia.