Doubly Charmed Baryon Production in Hadronic Experiments

In the leading order of perturbative QCD one calculates the total and differential cross-sections for the hadronic production of doubly charmed baryons $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ in different experiments. The experimental evaluation of cross-sections for the $J/\Psi +D + \bar D$ production would allow one to decrease the uncertainty in the determination of cross-sections for the doubly charmed baryons due to the choice of $\alpha_s$ and $m_c$. One shows that in the HERA-B and E781 experiments with fixed tagets the suppression of the $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ production to the yield of $c \bar c$-pairs is the value of the order of $10^{-6}-10^{-5}$, whereas at the TEVATRON and LHC colliders it is about $10^{-4}-10^{-3}$. In the E781 experiment the observation of $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ is practically unpossible. At the HERA-B and TEVATRON facilities one can expect $10^5$ events with the double charm, and at LHC one has about $10^9$ ones.

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