The parchment-like induration of the glans penis with dry telangiectatic surface, affecting the urethral meatus and causing stricture involving the prepuce and causing phimosis, has been described under various titles. The earliest observers were Fournier,1 who used the term "interstitial or deep balanitis," Delbanco,2 naming it "kraurosis of the penis and prepuce," and Stühmer.3 Stühmer's term "balanitis xerotica obliterans" is most commonly employed in this country and in the English and German literature. The association of this syndrome with lichen sclerosus et atrophicus elsewhere on the skin has been reported by Fabry,4 Bizzozero,5 Laymon and Freeman,6 Russell,7 Ravits and Welsh,8 and Potter, Helwig, and Haserick.9 The histopathologic changes in the penile, preputial, and skin lesions are indistinguishable, at least as far as the findings in the corium are concerned. These include a characteristic broad band of