Heterotopic heart and orthotopic liver grafts from ACI donors were transplanted to Lewis rat recipients that were treated with a 3 (or 4) day course of FK506 IM that was started on postoperative day 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Hearts, which rejected after a median of 6 days in untreated controls, always had prolonged survival (median 91 days) when treatment was started on postoperative day 4. The results were inferior when treatment was started earlier or later than this, but even when the first dose of FK506 was on postoperative day 5, one day before rejection was imminent in controls, the median survival was 50 days. The poorest results with a median graft survival of only 36 days were obtained when injections were on days 0–3. Results were similar with liver grafts that rejected after a median time of 10 days in nontreated controls but that usually survived permanently after a 3 (or 4) day FK506 course starting on day 0, 2, 3, or 4. Therapy started on day 6 was too late. © Williams & Wilkins 1990. All Rights Reserved.