ReactionC12(O16,Neg.s.20)Beg.s.8in the region10 MeV≤Ec.m.≤15.5 MeV

For the reaction C12(O16, Neg.s.20)Beg.s.8 angular distributions have been measured at Ec.m.=12.22, 12.57, 12.92, 13.17, 13.37, 13.77, 14.02, 14.23, 14.67, and 15.07 MeV. The cross sections in the range 12.5Ec.m.13.5 MeV are much larger than the predictions of direct α-transfer and/or statistical compound nucleus calculations. Resonance behavior at 13.2 MeV with width 650 keV is indicated. Interference effects between direct and one and two resonance amplitudes have been considered with the second resonance at 13.7 MeV being a well-known anomaly J=8 is indicated for these two resonances.