K0K¯0in theSU(2)L×SU(2)R×U(1)model ofCPviolation

We reexamine the K0K¯0 system in the SU(2)L×SU(2)R×U(1) model of CP violation with three generations with special emphasis on the minimal model of spontaneous CP violation. We give a new estimation of the hadronic matrix elements entering in εε, taking into account constraints from current algebra, final-state interactions, and short-distance QCD corrections. We compute, for an arbitrary number of generations, the phenomenological CP phases in terms of the quark masses, the parameter r (ratio of Higgs vacuum expectation values), and the single CP phase α of the model. We make a three-generation phenomenological analysis taking into account the high multiplicity of the sheets for the CP phases and the uncertainties in the Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements and mt. For low MWR the two-generation LR part dominates for most of the solutions, but the pure L three-generation contribution can be dominant in some cases.