Rate of Disappearance From Plasma of Intravenously Administered Methionine in Patients With Liver Damage

Fifty ml. of 3% dl-methionine was given intraven. over a 5-min. period to human subjects with liver damage. The plasma l-methionine values were then detd. at 0, 15, 30, 60, 120, and 180 mins. postmethionine. Microbiologic assays for methionine in blood and urine were done. Urinary methionine was detd. on an aliquot of a sample collected over the 12 hrs. preceding the test, for the 3 hrs. during the test, and for 43 hrs. thereafter. Except for 1 high value, the rate of removal in controls varied from 330-540 [mu]g./hr. with a mean of 410. With rare exceptions, patients having acute or chronic liver damage showed a significant decrease in the rate of removal of the methionine given. Hepatitis patients went from abnormal to normal ranges during convalescence. Urinary excretion of l-methionine in normal subjects and in patients with liver damage was minimal, always being below 6 mg. in the 3-hr. postinjn. period. d-methionine was excreted quickly, during and after intraven. injn. of the dl-prepn., up to 35% of the given dose being ex-cretedi n the 3-hr. test period. It is concluded that the rate of removal of intraven. given l-methionine is an index of liver function.