Nuclear-Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Dilute Magnetic Alloys Cu-Fe and Cu-Cr

New data for impurity-induced relaxation of host nuclei in Cu-based alloys of Fe and Cr are presented. The impurity concentration was kept low to avoid complication arising from the impurity-impurity interaction. We used a pulsed method to measure T1 at high fields with an accuracy of 2%. Impurity-induced relaxation in Cu-Fe (TK10°K) was investigated in the range 1.2-77°K. Throughout this range a finite amount of the impurity-induced relaxation rate was observed for the 320-ppm sample, although the experimental error was too great to permit a quantitative argument for T>TK. The accuracy was better in the range 1.2-4.2°K, and therefore the functional dependence of impurity-induced relaxation on temperature and field was investigated in detail for 320-, 170-, and 92-ppm samples in this temperature range. We concluded that there was little temperature and field dependence for these alloys. A linear concentration dependence was observed in this range. We also measured T1 in Cu-Cr (TK1°K) in the range 1.2-4.2°K. The temperature and field dependence were small. The data for T>TK were compared with various theories proposed on the basis of the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction and the dipolar interaction. None of theories, however, could account completely for the magnitude and the functional dependence. For T<TK no theory is available to explain relaxation. The data in this range for Cu-Fe and Cu-Cr (the latter were taken by Gladstone) indicate a peculiar temperature dependence which may be characteristic of the anomaly associated with the magnetic ground state. The field dependence in these alloys can be explained on this model.