The Quasi-Fixed MSSM

The infra-red fixed points are determined for all the parameters of the MSSM. They dominate the renormalisation group running when the top-Yukawa is in the quasi-fixed point regime (i.e. large at the GUT scale). We examine this behaviour analytically, by solving the full set of one-loop renormalisation group equations in the approximation that the electroweak contributions are negligible, and also numerically. We find the quasi-fixed points for the top-quark trilinear couplings; A_{U_{\alpha 3}} = A_{U_{3\alpha}}=-0.59 m_g independently of the input parameters at the unification scale. All the remaining parameters are significantly focused towards their true fixed points at the weak scale. We examine how this increases the predictivity of the MSSM in this regime.

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