The effect of percutaneous application of oil solutions of testosterone propionate and estradiol benzoate on the levels of total acid mucopolysaccharides were examined in rat skin. After 7 days of treatment, testosterone propionate produced a significant increase in the level of uronic acid (0.025 <p <0.05) and a slight increase of hexosamine (0.05<p<0.1) by comparison with homologous parts of skin of control oil treated rats. When treatment lasted 14 days a slight increase in the concentration of uronic acid and not of hexosamine was noted. A tendency of estradiol benzoate to cause a decrease of uronic acid concentration in rats treated for 7 days was observed while 14 days treatment did not affect the levels of either constituent. The results seem to agree with the effects of sex hormones on cocks’ comb. It is suggested that the changes in the levels of the sex hormones in the organism rather than their actual levels are responsible for the effects obtained.