Sustained and transient synaptic inputs to on‐off ganglion cells in the mudpuppy retina.

Synaptic inputs to on-off ganglion cells in mudpuppy retina were studied by measuring current-voltage relations in darkness, during different phases of the response to light, and in the presence of 4 mM-Co2+. The addition of Co2+ to the bathing medium usually caused a hyperpolarization of the membrane potential in darkness and an increase in input resistance, indicating that on-off ganglion cells receive tonic excitatory synaptic input in darkness. Other results suggest that an additional synaptic input, with a reversal potential near the dark potential, may also be active in darkness. At the onset of a light stimulus in the receptive field center all on-off ganglion cells responded with transient excitatory and inhibitory synaptic events, both of which were due to increases in conductance. Similar transient excitatory and inhibitory events occurred at the termination of the light stimulus. In about 1/2 of the on-off ganglion cells studied the synaptic activity during steady illumination was the same as in darkness. In the remaining cells steady illumination caused an increase in sustained inhibition.