Hyperinsulinemia and Left Ventricular Geometry in a Work-Site Population in Japan

The present study was designed to test whether hyperglycemia or hyperinsulinemia influences left ventricular mass and geometry. An echocardiogram and 75-g oral glucose tolerance test were performed in 210 normotensive and 180 mildly to moderately hypertensive male workers in a bus company who were free from cardiac diseases and were not taking medication for hypertension and diabetes mellitus. When we divided subjects into four groups according to the left ventricular geometric pattern using left ventricular mass index of 110 g/m2 and relative wall thickness (ratio of 2× posterior wall thickness to end-diastolic left ventricular diameter) of 0.44, body mass index and systolic blood pressure were higher in those with concentric hypertrophy and eccentric hypertrophy. In addition, hemoglobin AIc level and the sum of fasting and 2-hour postload serum glucose levels were higher in subjects with concentric hypertrophy. In subjects without diabetes mellitus (n=336), 2-hour postload serum insulin level a...