This article is only available in the PDF format. Download the PDF to view the article, as well as its associated figures and tables. Recklinghausen's Disease (Abortive Type). Presented by Dr. Adolph Rostenberg. B. R., a boy, aged 8 years, was the youngest of seven children, all the others being normal. The parents were second cousins. The condition presented was first noticed at the age of 3. The boy was fairly well developed and presented about a dozen brownish (café au lait) spots, about 2 to 4 cm. in diameter, disseminated over the body; interspersed with these were a large number of reddish macules varying in size from that of a millet seed to that of a pea. The boy also had a patch of alopecia areata on the left temporal region and a nevus pilosus over the right ear. He was also suffering from an undescended testicle. His teeth were poorly developed and defective. He had a highly arched palate, his speech was defective, and his mentality was decidedly inferior. DISCUSSION Dr. Pollitzer

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