Genetic alterations of the MYH gene in gastric cancer

Increased oxygen free radicals produced in gastric mucosa by H. pylori induce DNA damage and lead to dyspalsia and gastric cancers. However, only a small percentage of individuals that carry H. pylori develop gastric cancer, indicating that other factors are involved. We have screened a set of 95 sporadic gastric cancers for mutations and allele loss of the DNA glycosylase MYH gene, which excises adenine misincorporated opposite unrepaired 8-oxoG. Two of 95 cancers had bi-allelic mutations of the MYH gene with somatic missense mutation of one allele and loss of the remaining allele. The mutations were missense mutations, P391S and Q400R, in exon 13 encoding NUDIX hydrolase domain of the gene. The patients were H. pylori-positive and the tumors were of advanced intestinal-type gastric cancer with lymph node metastasis. In addition, 4 (17.4%) of 23 informative cases showed allele loss at MYH locus. Therefore, our data suggest that somatic mutations of base excision repair gene MYH contribute to the development of a sub-set of sporadic gastric cancers.