Gene Expression Evidence Indicates that Nucleotides 507–513 and 1434–1440 in 16s rRNA are Organized in Close Proximity on the Escherichia Coli 30s Ribosomal Subunit

A non‐Shine‐Dalgarno translational initiator is identified in Escherichia coli. The nucleotide sequence ACCUACUCGAGUUAG, designated as PL, is capable of initiating translation of pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP) and human calcitonin (hCT) mRNAs in E. coli cells. The yield of recombinant protein was double that obtained with the consensus Shine‐Dalgarno‐sequence‐(SD)‐driven translation. The PL sequence is composed of two heptanucleotides (ACCUACU, box I and GAGUUAG, box 11) which are complementary to nucleotides 1434–1440 and 507–513, respectively, in 16s rRNA. Mutational analysis shows that the translation initiation efficiency with either box alone is much lower than that obtained with the entire PL sequence, indicating that the boxes interact simultaneously with both complementary regions in 16s rRNA during the translation initiation step. Based on these results, we propose that the two widely separated regions 507–513 (part of helical domain 18) and 1434–1440 (belonging to helical domain 44) are organized in close proximity to each other and to the ribosome decoding center on the surface of the E. coli 30s ribosomal subunit.