Long-term Outcome of Acupuncture in Women with Frequency, Urgency and Dysuria

Urodynamic measurements including cystometry, anal sphincter electromyography, urethral pressure profilometry and uroflowmetry were carried out on 21 female patients before acupuncture and at 1 and 3 years during follow-up. Follow-up ranged from 60 to 72 months (average 66.2 months). There was no significant difference in all urodynamic measurements before acupuncture and at the 1 year or 3 years follow-up. During follow-up, acupuncture at the Sp-6 point was performed in patients who had recurrence of symptoms of frequency, urgency and dysuria. The number of acupuncture treatments ranged from 2 to 8 times, with an average number of 4.8 times. A decrease of acupuncture treatments after 30 months was noted on 8 patients, but it was not statistically significant. We concluded that the long-term outcome of acupuncture at the Sp-6 point for women with frequency, urgency and dysuria was positive, but that the effect was temporary and repeated acupuncture was necessary to maintain beneficial effects.

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