Thermodynamics of Nonstoichiometric Nickel Tellurides. I. Heat Capacity and Thermodynamic Functions of the δ Phase from 5 to 350°K

Heat capacities of the nickel tellurides were measured at compositions NiTe1.1 and NiTe2.0 (near limits of homogeneity of the δ phase) and at one intermediate composition, NiTe1.5, from 5 to 350°K. Heat capacity values and entropy and enthalpy increments are tabulated. No evidence of order‐disorder transitions, or thermal anomalies, or of contributions to the thermal properties from the anisotropy or phonon scattering by the holes in the structure on approaching the composition NiTe2 was observed. Although simple additivity of the heat capacities of the constituent elements failed to represent that of the solution compositions adequately, a Kopp‐Neumann treatment in terms of the limiting compositions of the δ phase gives good agreement with the experimental heat capacity and entropy of NiTe1.5 and hence is useful in interpolating to other intermediate compositions.

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