The Role of Zinc in Miillerian Duct Regression*

Chelating agents and cations affect Müllerian duct regression in vitro. EDTA (0.5 mM) when added to the 14½-day-old rat embryo Müllerian duct imitated the action of Müllerian inhibiting substance, the specific glycoprotein produced by the fetal testis. The calcium-specific chelator EGTA had no effect on the Müllerian duct. The in vitro regression of the Müllerian duct produced by EDTA was inhibited by Zn2+, Fe2+ and Fe3+. The effect of partially purified Müllerian inhibiting substance was inhibited specifically by Zn2+, whereas other transition or alkaline earth metals had no effect. These results suggest that Zn2+ is an essential link in the cascade of events leading to Müllerian duct regression after Müllerian inhibiting substance triggers this complex developmental process.