Evaluation of a New Dot Blot Enzyme Immunoassay (Directigen Flu A+B) for Simultaneous and Differential Detection of Influenza A and B Virus Antigens from Respiratory Samples

We report a prospective evaluation of a new dot blot enzyme immunoassay (EIA) method for the direct, rapid, qualitative, simultaneous, and differential detection of the influenza A (IA) and B (IB) virus antigen in different respiratory samples. The EIA method was compared with the shell vial culture system (MDCK cell line) used with the same samples. We studied 160 samples from 93 (58.1%) pediatric patients (hospital emergency room) and from 67 (41.9%) adult patients (sentinel network). Seventy-four(46.2%) samples were considered positive; of them, 46 (62.2%) were from pediatric patients and 28 (37.8%) were from an adult group ( P < 0.05), with overall positive values of 49.9% and 41.7%, respectively. All 74 (100%) of the positive samples were isolated in cell culture versus the 68.9% that were detected as positive by the new EIA method ( P < 0.05). Of the 41 samples positive for the IA virus, the EIA detected 34 (82.9%) positive samples; of the 33 samples positive for the IB virus, the EIA detected 17 (51.5%) positive samples ( P < 0.05). No false-positive reaction was detected with the EIA method (specificity and positive predictive value of 100%). The overall results obtained in the comparison between the new EIA and the shell vial culture had a sensibility of 82.9% and predictive negative values of 92.4% for the IA virus and 51.5% and 84.3%, respectively, for the IB virus. This evaluation shows sensitivity and specificity percentages for the new EIA method that is acceptable for routine use in IA virus detection. The results obtained were worse for IB virus detection, but this new EIA method is actually the only one with the capacity to differentiate between the two influenza viruses.