New information-theoretic foundations for quantum statistics
- 1 June 1976
- journal article
- Published by Springer Nature in Foundations of Physics
- Vol. 6 (3) , 249-262
No abstract availableKeywords
This publication has 8 references indexed in Scilit:
- Mutually exclusive and exhaustive quantum statesFoundations of Physics, 1976
- The well-posed problemFoundations of Physics, 1973
- The physics and the semantics of quantum measurementFoundations of Physics, 1973
- A general theory of empirical state determination in quantum physics: Part IFoundations of Physics, 1971
- A new theorem of information theoryJournal of Statistical Physics, 1969
- Prior ProbabilitiesIEEE Transactions on Systems Science and Cybernetics, 1968
- Foundations of Probability Theory and Statistical MechanicsPublished by Springer Nature ,1967
- Information Theory and Statistical Mechanics. IIPhysical Review B, 1957