Molecular Evolutionary Analyses of Nuclear‐Encoded Small Subunit Ribosomal RNA Identify an Independent Rhizopod Lineage Containing the Euglyphina and the Chlorarachniophyta

The Rhizopoda comprise a diverse assemblage of protists which depend on lobose or filose pseudopodia for locomotion. The biochemical and morphological diversity of rhizopods has led to an uncertain taxonomy. Ribosomal RNA sequence comparisons offer a measure of evolutionary relatedness that is independent of morphology and has been used to demonstrate a polyphyletic origin of the Lobosea. We sequenced complete small subunit ribosomal RNA coding regions from the filose amoebae, Euglypha rotunda and Paulinella chromatophora (Euglyphina) to position these taxa in the eukaryote phylogeny. The neighbor-joining analyses show that E. rotunda and P. chromatophora share a monophyletic origin and are not closely related to any lobose amoebae in our analyses. Instead, the Euglyphina form a robust sister group to the Chlorarachniophyta. These results provide further evidence for the polyphyly of the Rhizopoda and support the creation of a new amoeboid lineage which includes the Euglyphina and the chlorarachniophyte algae; taxa with tubular mitochondrial cristae and filose or reticulate pseudopodia.