1. Research developments and case studies

In Australia, research on the irrigation of trees with effluents commenced in the 1970s. Initial trials tested the survival and early growth of more than 60 native and exotic species irrigated with municipal effluent. Later work has concentrated on species from the genera Eucalyptus. Casuarina, Pinus and Populus, with the most detailed research being conducted with Pinus radiata (radiata pine). Aspects studied so far include the effects of effluent irrigation on tree production, wood quality, nutrition, photosynthesis, transpiration, and changes in soil properties. There are now several projects across Australia where tree plantations are being irrigated with recycled water at an operational level. Described in this paper are three case studies: first, a 30 ha plantation of Populus spp. (poplars) established in 1980 in Victoria; second, a 20 ha plantation of Eucalyptus spp. (eucalypts) established in 1984 in South Australia; and third, a 25 ha plantation of E. camaldulensis (river red gum) established for fuelwood production in 1980 in the Northern Territory. The results of these projects to date demonstrate that well-planned and managed enterprises in which tree plantations are irrigated with recycled water can have important social, aesthetic and environmental benefits.