Initial Clinical Experience with the Baylor-Nikkiso Centrifugal Pump

Recently, a newly developed centrifugal pump, the Baylor-Nikkiso pump, was approved for clinical use in the United States. This pump is the most compact centrifugal pump with a priming volume of only 25 ml. Although it is small, this pump can provide a flow of 4 L/min against a total pressure head of 300 mm Hg at 3,000 rpm. In vitro and in vivo validation of the Baylor-Nikkiso pump has proved that this pump could effectively reduce blood trauma even under high total head pressure. In addition, 48-h durability tests with biventricular bypass using calves verified the reliability of shaft sealing and antithrombogenicity. Clinical trials of the Baylor-Nikkiso pumps have been initiated in our department. This pump provides flows of 60-70 ml/kg/min with stable hemodynamic conditions. No leakage of thrombus formation was observed. The results of the initial clinical experience of the Baylor-Nikkiso pump suggest that it is suitable for cardiopulmonary bypass surgery.