Miss V. S., aged 17, seen in September 1940, had asthma of thirteen years' duration. It was perennial and was present every day but was worse in winter. She had had many years of treatment. As is usual with this type of asthma, the etiologic factors were multiple, the basic condition being intrinsic, associated with long standing sinus infection but exaggerated by extrinsic factors such as sensitization to house dust and feather dust. Miss S. was hyposthenic and undernourished. The therapeutic program consisted in improvement of her general condition and increasing the allergenic tolerance with injections of the appropriate extrinsic allergens and an autogenous vaccine. Treatment covered the interval from September 1940 until her death in 1942. During this time her condition was about 50 per cent improved. She was usually quite free in the daytime, having mild attacks each night frequently requiring one injection of epinephrine and with some