Cytochrome oxidase was detected in streak-forming blastoderms, particularly in newly-involuted mesoderm cells, by its action in embryos explanted onto an agar gel containing dimethyl-p-phemulenediamine and alpha naphthol (nadi reagent). Enzymatic activity was localized on the surface of intracellular lipid droplets. The enzyme''s ability to oxidize the diamine was not affected by pretreatment of the embryos in preparations of cytochrome c, but was decreased in embryos pretreated with cytochrome c in conjunction with hydroquinone and increased in prestarved explants. Increase in oxidative capacity of involuted cells was not autonomous with time, but required this morpho-genic event at the level of the streak for its presence. At the same time, the ability of these cells to form mesodermal structures is dependent on involution coincident with attendant rise in activity of cytochrome oxidase.