Neutron diffraction study of UO2: Antiferromagnetic state

The elastic neutron magnetic scattering cross section from the U4+ ions in antiferromagnetic UO2 has been measured at 4.2 K. The measurements included all reciprocal-lattice points for which (sinθ)λ=κ4π0.83 Å1. The values of μf(κ), obtained from the measurements, fall on a smooth curve at small κ, but show considerable anisotropy for (sinθ)λ>0.5 Å1. The ordered magnetic moment is (1.74±0.02)μB per uranium atom at 4.2 K. Theoretical calculations of the magnetic cross section from a number of possible states (including the effects of intermediate coupling and J mixing) are unable to reproduce the experimental data at large κ. Subtracting the calculated magnetic cross section from the observed scattering cross section, we have determined that additional scattering is present only for reflections with h, k even and l odd. The additional intensity is a result of a small (0.014 Å) shift of the oxygen atoms from their equilibrium position. These shifts are examined within the framework of Allen's microscopic theory for UO2. An analysis in terms of the homogeneous deformations proposed by Allen cannot explain the neutron results. However, when Allen's concepts are extended to include inhomogeneous deformations, corresponding to a zone-boundary q=(2πa) (1,0,0) phonon, excellent agreement is obtained between theory and experiment. The oxygen displacement is 0.014 Å from the fluorite lattice positions and, in addition, the inhomogeneous deformation T2gT1g does not require a corresponding change in the unit-cell dimensions. The dominance of this deformation mode in the spin-lattice interactions suggests the presence of a noncollinear magnetic structure in UO2.