In patients with peripheral vestibular deficiencies, the testing of posture or “posturography” can give specific information about any compensation obtained in the vestibulospinal reflex (VSR). We have used the statokinesimetric parameter of length in this study. Nearly 50% of the patients with unilateral vestibular hypofunction as well as those patients with paroxysmal positional vertigo (PPV) show abnormal results. These findings indicate deficient compensation at the vestibulospinal level, which is independent of any compensation already achieved at the vestibulo-ocular level. The tests used for the latter, such as positioning and rotational tests, are unable to provide information about the degree of compensation reached in the VSR. The examinations used in the different modalities of sensory interaction can show the presence of influences of ocular fixation and changes of head position. We have observed three types of deviant interaction. Our posturographic data have allowed us to assess functional situations in a more precise way. Any rehabilitation exercises used should be adapted according to these data.