New observables for direct detection of axion dark matter

We propose new signals for the direct detection of ultralight dark matter such as the axion. Axion or axionlike particle dark matter may be thought of as a background, classical field. We consider couplings for this field which give rise to observable effects including a nuclear electric dipole moment, and axial nucleon and electron moments. These moments oscillate rapidly with frequencies accessible in the laboratory, kilohertz to gigahertz, given by the dark matter mass. Thus, in contrast to WIMP detection, instead of searching for the hard scattering of a single dark matter particle, we are searching for the coherent effects of the entire classical dark matter field. We calculate current bounds on such time-varying moments and consider a technique utilizing NMR methods to search for the induced spin precession. The parameter space probed by these techniques is well beyond current astrophysical limits and significantly extends laboratory probes. Spin precession is one way to search for these ultralight particles, but there may well be many new types of experiments that can search for dark matter using such time-varying moments.