High-Efficiency CdTe Polycrystalline Thin-Film Solar Cells with an Ultra-Thin CuxTe Transparent Back-Contact

To fabricate a high-efficiency polycrystalline thin-film tandem cell, the most critical work is to make a high-efficiency top cell (>15%) with high bandgap (Eg=1.5-1.8 eV) and high transmission (T>70%) in the near-infrared (NIR) wavelength region. The CdTe cell is one of the candidates for the top cell, because CdTe state-of-the-art single-junction devices with efficiencies of more than 16% are available, although its bandgap (1.48 eV) is slightly lower for a top cell in a dual-junction device. In this paper, we focus on the development of an ultra-thin, low-bandgap CuxTe transparent back-contact to produce high-efficiency CdTe cells with high NIR transmission. We have achieved an NREL-confirmed 13.9%-efficient CdTe transparent solar cell with an infrared transmission of ~50% and a CdTe/CIS polycrystalline mechanically stacked thin-film tandem cell with an NREL-confirmed efficiency of 15.3%.