Sleep Fragmentation in Patients From a Nursing Home

Institutionalized elderly persons are said to have very disturbed sleep, yet few studies have collected empirical data on the sleep of these patients. We recorded sleep in 200 patients (131 females and 69 males; mean age = 81.9 years, SD = 8.6) in a skilled nursing facility. A modified Respitrace-Medilog portable recording system was used. In recordings averaging 15.4 hours, the patients were asleep for 7 hours, 58 minutes and awake for 7 hours, 28 minutes. To obtain that amount of sleep, the patients spent an extended time in bed during the day, for they averaged no more than 39.5 minutes of sleep per hour in any hour of the night, and 50% woke up at least 2 to 3 times per hour. In summary, although nursing home patients slept on average only one hour longer than independently living elderly, they had to spend substantially more time in bed to obtain the same amount of sleep.