We consider turbulent shear flows in a rotating fluid, with the rotation axis parallel or antiparallel to the mean flow vorticity. It is already known that rotation such that the shear becomes cyclonic is stabilizing (with reference to the non-rotating case), whereas the opposite rotation is destabilizing for low rotation rates and restabilizing for higher. The arguments leading to and quantifying these statement are heuristic. Their status and limitations require clarification. Also, it is useful to formulate them in ways that permit direct comparison of the underlying concepts with experimental data.An extension of a displaced particle analysis, given by Tritton & Davies (1981) indicates changes with the rotation rate of the orientation of the motion directly generated by the shear/Coriolis instability occurring in the destabilized range.The ‘simplified Reynolds stress equations scheme’, proposed by Johnston, Halleen & Lezius (1972), has been reformulated in terms of two angles, representing the orientation of the principal axes of the Reynolds stress tensor (αa) and the orientation of the Reynolds stress generating processes (αb), that are approximately equal according to the scheme. The scheme necessarily fails at large rotation rates because of internal inconsistency, additional to the fact that it is inapplicable to two-dimensional turbulence. However, it has a wide range of potential applicability, which may be tested with experimental data. αa and αb have been evaluated from numerical data for homogeneous shear flow (Bertoglio 1982) and laboratory data for a wake (Witt & Joubert 1985) and a free shear layer (Bidokhti & Tritton 1992). The trends with varying rotation rate are notably similar for the three cases. There is a significant range of near equality of αa and αb. An extension of the scheme, allowing for evolution of the flow, relates to the observation of energy transfer from the turbulence to the mean flow.