• 8 August 2001
Within the framework of an SO(10) GUT model that can accommodate both the atmospheric and the LMA solar neutrino mixing solutions, we present explicit predictions for the neutrino oscillation parameters \sin^2 2\theta_{13}, \sin^2 2\theta_{12}, \sin^2 2\theta_{23}, and \Delta m^2_{21}. Precise measurements of \sin^2 2\theta_{12} and \Delta m^2_{21} by KamLAND can be used to precisely determine the GUT model parameters. We find that the model can then be tested with precision neutrino oscillation measurements of \sin^2 2\theta_{23}, \sin^2 2\theta_{13}, and the leptonic CP phase \delta^\prime at Neutrino Superbeams and Neutrino Factories.

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