Mycoflora and mycotoxins of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seeds in Egypt. 1-sugar fungi and natural occurrence of mycotoxins

Sixty-four species and 2 varieties which belong to nineteen genera of fungi were identified from 40 peanut seed samples collected from different places in Egypt by using a dilution-plate method on glucose-Czapek's medium. The most frequent genera were Aspergillus (21 species & 2 varieties), Penicillium (16 species) and Fusarium (6 species). A. flavus, A. fumigatus, A. niger, P. chrysogenum and F. oxysporum were the most common fungal species. Forty seven percent of the samples proved to be toxic to brine shrimp (Artemia salina) larvae. Thin-layer Chromatographic analysis revealed that peanuts were contaminated by aflatoxins (11 samples), thrichothecene-toxins (10 samples), zearalenone (one sample) and citrinin (one sample). We believe that this is the first report of the natural occurrence of zearalenone and trichothecene-toxins in peanuts.