Summary. It is well known that imprecision in the measurement of predictor variables typically leads to bias in estimated regression coefficients. We compare the bias induced by measurement error in a continuous predictor with that induced by misclassification of a binary predictor in the contexts of linear and logistic regression. To make the comparison fair, we consider misclassification probabilities for a binary predictor that correspond to dichotomizing an imprecise continuous predictor in lieu of its precise counterpart. On this basis, nondifferential binary misclassification is seen to yield more bias than nondifferential continuous measurement error. However, it is known that differential misclassification results if a binary predictor is actually formed by dichotomizing a continuous predictor subject to nondifferential measurement error. When the postulated model linking the response and precise continuous predictor is correct, this differential misclassification is found to yield less bias than continuous measurement error, in contrast with nondifferential misclassification, i.e., dichotomization reduces the bias due to mismeasurement. This finding, however, is sensitive to the form of the underlying relationship between the response and the continuous predictor. In particular, we give a scenario where dichotomization involves a trade‐off between model fit and misclassification bias. We also examine how the bias depends on the choice of threshold in the dichotomization process and on the correlation between the imprecise predictor and a second precise predictor.