Theory of energetic ion transport induced by waves of ion cyclotron range of frequencies in a tokamak plasma

A theoretical description of radial energetic‐ion transport induced by electromagnetic waves of ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) is presented in a tokamak with general flux surface geometry. A known form of quasilinear operator is used to represent the ICRF wave‐induced particle scattering in velocity space. The theory is applied to both nonflowing and flowing groups of energetic ions, represented by alpha particles born from deuterium–tritium reactions, and energetic ions born from unbalanced neutral beam injection, respectively. It is found that ICRF waves with reasonable power can be used for manipulation of the local radial energetic ion flow at practical level. A simple integral representation of the radial fluxes is suggested for implementation into a transport code. A brief discussion on the possibility of the strong negative electric field generation by ICRH at the plasma edge is also presented.